From the Forest Floor
From the Forest Floor

From the Forest Floor

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From the Forest Floor Mala reminds me of literally laying on the forest floor and just observing life as it goes by. Enjoying the present moment, being still and simply allowing yourself to be. Made with Wooden Jasper, Red Tiger's Eye, Green Line Jasper and Jade.

Wooden Jasper:
Known as the 'supreme nurturer', Jasper brings tranquility and wholeness. It assists in balancing the yin & yang energies of the body, supports during times of stress and protects against negative energies. Jasper is an amazing stone to help re-energize the body while staying grounded. It is said that wood jasper helps to shed the ideals of others acting as a shield and helps to free one of unhealthy habits and patterns.

Red Tiger's Eye:
Red Tiger’s Eye is a stone of confidence and self-awareness teaching you to trust your bodies and your instincts. This stone dares you to live empowered and fully, taking in the beauty of the present moment.
Red Tiger’s Eye reminds you that there is medicine in the everyday mundane tasks and that it’s all a part of your journey.
This stone will help to ease your nerves and it will encourage you to embrace faith in yourself and to trust that everything is always working out for you.

Green Line Jasper:
Green Line Jasper, like all Jasper is a beautiful rooting and grounding stone. It's a great stone to wear when you're wanting to feel balanced, close to the earth and connected to all of the abundance that mama Gaia has to offer.
This soft & subtle energy helps to connect you deeper into your heart space, release the walls that you may have built up over time and to live in your essence. She is a powerful tool for helping to restore and maintain emotional health as well as aligning your energy - body, mind & soul.
Green Jasper is great to wear if you've been experiencing bad dreams, or have an overthinking/overactive mind - it will help to calm your energy and bring you back to your centre.

A protective stone, Jade is often associated with the heart chakra as it helps to attract love and dispel negativity. It is a stone of purity, serenity and nurturing. It is said that Jade attracts luck and friendship.