Sunny Skies Mala

Sunny Skies Mala

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Smoky Quartz, Amazonite, Mookaite, Lapis Lazuli

This beauty reminds you of the awakenings that are happening all around you - as Spring begins to flourish, the trees and the grass are 'waking up' - you are too! There is change all around you and you are a gift to this moment in time - This mala brings courage, wisdom, expression and trust. Lean into all parts of you, allow yourself to awaken.

Smoky Quartz: (the pendant stone)
Smoky Quartz is a stone to wear when it's time to let go and release so you can create space for that next version of you and all that you desire.
Incredibly grounding, this stone will help to move you into a higher state of being, allowing you to release the past, while deeply connecting you to the earth beneath your feet.
You can only grow as tall as your roots run deep!

This is a calming and extremely soothing stone. It is said to be the stone of courage and the stone of truth.
Amazonite provides harmony & helps to balance the masculine and feminine energies. It helps one to see both sides of a problem and different points of view.
Emotionally Amazonite helps to soothe emotional trauma, alleviating worry and fear. It is a great stone for self discovery and self growth. It is also extremely beneficial to all levels of consciousness, the stone assists in manifesting universal love.

Mookaite is such a powerful stone that helps to support you while bringing peace and a feeling of wholeness into your energy. It is a great stone to work with when it comes to decision making and helps one to accept change and move forward with grace.
Mookaite is a very calming stone and will help to strengthen and support your root & solar plexus chakras. Your Solar Plexus being where 'You' sit - your personality, your confidence, your opinions, your magic. Your Root being where your sense of stability & safety are found. Allow yourself to feel grounded when it comes to using this stone and to express your most truest you!

Lapis Lazuli:
Lapis Lazuli is a stone of truth and insight into the depths of who you are. Its expressive nature encourages you to take charge of your life and move forward in your full self without holding back or compromising.
Staring at a Lapis stone is like staring deep into the Universe of possibility - It's deep indigo colour mixed with shimmers of pyrite reminds me of the night sky and all of it's stars. The world is your oyster.
Lapis is an amazing stone to wear to help balance the throat and the third eye chakras - your centre of communication and your centre of seeing beyond what is right in front of you. This stone will help to connect you to your inner wisdom, it will help you to communicate from your highest expression of self, bringing honesty, compassion and clarity.